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Hair Loss

Hair loss is a sensitive condition to deal with. It is often related to psychological distress and problems relating to self-esteem. At the Aesthetic Skin & Laser Center in Pittsburgh, PA, Dr. Roxana Barad offers treatments to stop and reverse hair loss at.

Female Pattern Hair Loss

In a cross-sectional study from a Brazilian cohort with a high degree of racial diversity, the overall prevalence of female pattern hair loss (FPHL) based on clinical diagnosis by a dermatologist was 32.3%. There was no difference in the prevalence of hair loss for white and brown-black individuals. However, there were associations between hair loss and both hypertension and living in an urban area.

While the science behind hair loss continues to evolve, this study suggests that, in some populations, female pattern hair loss is common in almost a third of women. The authors of the study also confirm previously identified risk factors for female pattern hair loss, including hypertension and lack of physical activity.


How to Recognize Female Pattern Hair Loss

The most common signs of FPHL are a gradual widening of the part in your hair, or progressive thinning when you tie your hair in a ponytail. It will typically start showing when a woman reaches her 40s, but it can also happen before then.

It can be difficult to self-diagnose FPHL, as you might be showing these symptoms due to other reasons. If you are unsure, make an appointment with our office to confirm whether you have FPHL.

Hair Loss in Men

As hair loss is more common in men, mainly due to genetic predisposition. The earlier a man starts on the journey to hair maintenance and restoration, the better the results. You do not want to wait until hair follicles have died, as it is important to have viable follicles for any hair restoration and maintenance treatment to be successful.

The treatment options offered at Aesthetic Skin & Laser Center can also help those who have had hair transplants. Our options help support the viability of the transplanted follicles.

Is My Hair Loss Normal?

It is normal to experience hair loss to a certain degree, as long as it is not an excessive amount. On average, people can expect between 50 and 100 hairs to naturally fall out every day.

Sometimes, certain situations in life can cause a temporary increase in the amount of lost hair. These could include:

  • Stress from divorce or unemployment.
  • Stress from caring for a sick or injured friend or relative.
  • Postpartum period (six weeks after childbirth).
  • No longer taking birth control pills.
  • Going through a temporary sickness or having an operation.

In these cases, give yourself a bit of time to recover and your hair should restore itself. If that does not happen, Dr. Barad’s team can recommend a customized lifestyle program to support hair restoration for continued maintenance of your results.

Come Visit Us Today!

If you are in the Pittsburgh area, book a consultation. We can help you with any hair loss that you may be experiencing.


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