Improving Sexual Wellness for Men With ED

The long and short of it is that erectile dysfunction severely impacts a man’s confidence and self-assurance. Especially when sexual spontaneity is no longer possible, and performance anxiety adds to the insecurities in bed. Know that you are not alone!

Dr. Roxana Barad is a board-certified physician who helps her male patients suffering from ED in Pittsburgh. She understands, and appreciates the significant amount of courage it takes for her patients to consult her on their sexual wellness.

A Decline In Sex Drive? Help Is Available In Pittsburgh.

Impotence can be psychological or physiological, and therefore, the sooner you consult a physician, the sooner you can get the help needed to restore your sexual confidence. Aesthetic Skin and Laser Center’s Dr. Barad suggest the following helpful considerations for improving sexual wellness.

  • Lifestyle Changes
    Some adjustments to your lifestyle can have a positive impact on your sexual wellness. This includes a healthy diet, regular exercise, cutting down on alcohol usage and smoking, and limiting activities that cause you stress.
  • Emsella Treatment
    This non-invasive FDA-approved treatment device stimulates the pelvic floor muscles through electromagnetic energy. It improves sexual function with results lasting for 9 – 12 months after completing six 30-minute treatment sessions.
  • Medication
    Oral medication such as Viagra, Stendra, or Cialis, and if the oral medication does not work, your doctor may prescribe an injectable or suppository.
  • Therapy
    If your ED is psychologically induced, then counseling may help you learn techniques that can minimize, or assist you in, managing stress, anxiety, and depression. It may be a combination of therapy and medications that is ultimately successful in reversing ED.

“Every Man On Earth Has Experienced This”

Danny Trejo said it, and his words reflect the reality that ED can affect any man, no matter their age. The “Desperado” actor revealed his struggle with impotence and highlighted that sometimes stress and tiredness can result in an inability to perform sexually, and there is nothing wrong with this. While he may be in his 70’s, it is also a known fact that erectile dysfunction can affect younger men.

No Man Is An Island

Inability to perform in the bedroom due to erectile dysfunction is nothing to be ashamed of. It is okay to talk about it and to seek help. Remember, communication is the foundation of a good relationship.

Sexual intimacy adds to this communication, and Dr. Barad can help you overcome the potentially devastating consequences that impotence may have on your self-worth and confidence. Furthermore, she can help rule out any other underlying medical conditions that may contribute to erectile dysfunction, such as:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • High blood pressure

Schedule Your ED Consultation With Dr. Barad

Book your sexual wellness consultation at Aesthetic Skin and Laser Center on 412-683-3358 today and learn the hard facts about the best erectile dysfunction treatment options available to you in Pittsburgh.