So said John F. Kennedy. I’m reasonably sure he wasn’t thinking about preparing your skin and face for the holidays and winter. Nevertheless, today the sun is shining, it’s still warm; we can feel the warmth on our faces and see the sun shimmering through the remaining leaves on the trees. This is the perfect time to take stock of your complexion and decide what steps to take to look your best in the months to come.
Think about what is happening in the next eight weeks: the winter is going to become colder and with cold weather comes chapped and dry skin on your face and hands. In two weeks it’s Thanksgiving, followed quickly by Christmas and New Year’s celebrations. Many of us will be seeing out of town guests, family and friends we haven’t seen for a while. For them and ourselves, we will want to look our best. Some of us are planning vacations. We may be going from the cold winter to the warmth of Florida or the Caribbean. We may be in the drying atmosphere of an airplane or the dirty air of a big city. Whatever is coming up in the next couple of months will undoubtedly take some toll on your skin. So, let’s get ready now.
Here are a few great suggestions for a pick-me-up in preparation for the holidays:
The very most important thing is every day skin care. Do not underestimate how important this is. Washing your face with the right balanced cleanser twice a day and using toner, moisturizer and sun block are all essential elements of maintaining beautiful, enviable skin. I use a Clarisonic brush on my skin twice a day for exfoliation and deep cleansing, both of which prepare the skin to accept and absorb moisturizers and skin rejuvenation products. So, even if you don’t do another thing, make sure your daily skin care regimen is up to date and uses the right products for your skin type. Our Francesca products as well as a new line of skin care are available at ASLC. I have personally formulated these products for my patients to assure the very highest quality skin care for a maximum youthful appearance.
A facial will also cause your skin to glow and get you set for the season, but not just any ordinary facial will do. I particularly like to recommend an oxygen facial for this time of year. Now just because the word “facial” is included in this treatment modality doesn’t mean it’s anything like a typical facial. This is far more medically sound, deeply hydrating and requires the use of specialized equipment that uses oxygen infusion to help rejuvenating serums penetrate your skin, giving you better and longer lasting impact. Oxygen is essential to healthy skin so it follows that using oxygen in a therapeutic way to provide protection and revitalization is going to result in healthier, moisturized skin and a glowing appearance as a result.
Microdermabrasion is never out of style and helps at this time of year. It will assist in elimination of dead skin cells that may have accumulated because of the summer sun and the routine “wear” of living. And, it will prepare your facial skin to accept and absorb all the moisturizers and protective products for the winter months. Microdermabrasion evens out your skin tone, minimizes pores and gives you a healthy glow. Many microderm patients don’t even need to use foundation, but only sun protection, because they are so pleased with the results. However, if you have Rosacea, microderms are not for you!
Another treatment that not many are aware of is iEllios. This amazing and painless technology doesn’t work overnight, but it does give long lasting effects and can even substitute for facelifting and other invasive procedures. The Aesthetic Skin & Laser Center is one of the first facilities in the country to offer this ground-breaking treatment. iEllios uses a non-invasive, skin rejuvenation computerized device that builds new tissue, lifts sagging muscles, purifies and detoxifies. The result: skin with a youthful glow and a face that is uplifted. The iEllios machine emits signals that are compatible with neuro and cellular regeneration. As a result of undergoing a series of treatments, your facial and neck collagen, elastin and other proteins will increase, the systems connected to rejuvenation will be enhanced and boosted and you will get the benefits of an anti-oxidant treatment. iEllios is a great new choice for refreshing and rejuvenating.
All these and more types of treatment are available now at Aesthetic Skin & Laser Center. Call now to schedule a consultation. Mention this article.
Remember, even if the sun is still shining, winter is on the way. Prepare now!