It’s Not Your Fault: It’s Genetics

Deep laugh lines, jowls and wrinkles aren’t necessarily just caused by age. 60% of how your skin develops is intrinsically determined by the genetics that were passed down to you. Only 40% of how your skin ages is due to non-genetic factors.

Although there are great contributors to facial sagging and wrinkles such as sun-exposure, smoking, age, and weight loss, genetics is still a large contributor. You inherit facial patterns that your parents possess that can increase your likelihood of wrinkles, especially crows feet and laugh lines. Deep laugh lines are very likely to be caused by genetics, especially if they appear when you’re young. These lines are a part of who you are, but can become overwhelmingly prominent with age.

Deep jowls can also be caused by genetics, and tend to appear during the natural aging process. Early appearances of jowls are extremely likely to be a genetic predisposition and can even occur with the most careful skin care routine.

Luckily, there is a simple solution for all of these genetic susceptibilities while still maintaining the authenticity of your natural face shape and gentle laugh lines. Even though the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, there are solutions to keeping the apple from falling.

Silhouette InstaLift™ is the latest in cosmetic innovation that lifts sagging skin to minimize jowls, decreases deep smile lines and helps cheek contours. Silhouette InstaLift™ is an FDA approved, non-surgical cosmetic procedure, producing a lifting of the cheeks and jawline and helps redefine the natural contours of the face. Silhouette InstaLift™ uses absorbable sutures with bidirectional cones to lift and reposition the skin. Improvement is seen immediately and lifting and volumizing continues for 3 to 6 months, as the body naturally absorbs the sutures and this absorption process stimulates the production of collagen in the areas of placement. Results typically last between 18-24 months.