Get Ready for Summer & Sun

After another extremely long winter that felt, at times, like it would never end, it’s finally time to review your daily skin care regimen and prepare for summer. I take steps to protect my skin against the elements every day, although there are seasonal skin care changes to consider. For example, I never go without sunblock; and on sunny days I never go without Fernblock, a supplement that increases the body’s internal ability to protect itself from UV damage. It’s been drilled into all of us by now that there is nothing worse for the skin than exposure to ultraviolet radiation – whether from the sun, tanning beds or even some environmental pollution. These free radicals accelerate the aging process and lead to skin cancer, including potentially deadly melanoma. I strongly urge you to protect yourselves as I do.

Although UV also contributes to the natural formation of bone-strengthening vitamin D, I believe there are safer ways to get this vitamin – i.e., from a supplement.

For summer, one of the best skin care products I have found is RX Triple Protection Factor. Available only through physicians and endorsed by the Skin Cancer Foundation, this product has been touted as the proven new standard in topical skin protection. Its combination of SPF 50, SNA Enzyme Complex and Protein Protection Antioxidant Complex offers a “trifecta” effect: sun protection, antioxidant therapy, as well as light make-up coverage that works with any skin color.

Using RX Triple Protection Factor in combination with my new product line is a winning summer combination! The Rx Triple Protection product gets you out the door quickly in the morning and the Francesca Cellular Repair, Botanical Brightener, and Rejuvenating Moisturizers help keep your skin healthy and glowing.

Another helpful and delightful way to pamper your skin in the summer is with regular facials. Take time for yourself to provide extra hydration for sun and wind-dried skin – it will revitalize your appearance while allowing you to relax and escape from your daily routine!

Note that some of your skin care should be adjusted during the sunny and drying summer months. For example, retinol/Retin-A is photosensitizing, meaning that it causes your skin to react strongly to the sun and can cause irritation; so be particularly careful and don’t use it if you know you will be in the sun the next day. Avoid laser treatments to sun-exposed areas, as the reaction will be excessive and potentially cause burns.

If you really want the sun-kissed look, come in for spray tanning! I had my first session recently and am hooked! I now really appreciate the appeal of looking tan…but am happy to have gotten the look in a safe way, with natural and organic ingredients out of a spray hose, and applied evenly by a superb technician!

You can get the glow you want without any of the harm resulting from direct sun exposure. Make an appointment at the Aesthetic Skin Laser Center and let us customize a program to help you transition your skin care to summer.