Excessive Sweating

in Pittsburgh, PA

What Is Excessive Sweating?

Excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, is a condition where the body produces sweat beyond what is necessary for cooling. It can affect specific areas, such as the underarms, palms, or soles, causing discomfort and impacting daily activities. Many individuals seek relief from excessive sweating to feel more comfortable and confident. In some cases, hyperhidrosis may be triggered by stress, certain foods, or medical conditions, making it challenging to manage without targeted treatments.

What Are the Causes of Excessive Sweating?


Hyperhidrosis often runs in families, suggesting a genetic link.


Some prescription drugs list increased sweating as a side effect.

Medical Conditions

Conditions like hyperthyroidism and diabetes can lead to excessive sweating.


Emotional stress triggers the body’s sweat response.

High Temperatures

Warm environments naturally increase sweat production.

Treatments & Recommendations

Frequently Asked Questions

What is hyperhidrosis, and how is it different from normal sweating?

Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition where sweating exceeds the body’s cooling needs, often causing discomfort and interfering with daily activities.
Botox works by blocking the nerve signals that activate sweat glands, significantly reducing perspiration in treated areas.
While treatments like Botox provide long-lasting relief, they are not permanent and typically require repeat sessions.
Common areas include the underarms, palms, soles, and sometimes the face. Your provider can recommend the best treatment for your specific needs.
Side effects are generally minimal, with Botox treatments occasionally causing temporary muscle weakness or mild bruising at injection sites.