Signal Rejuvenation

How does this sound to you: a skin treatment that is as relaxing as being at a spa, but is effective in enhancing muscle tone, rejuvenating skin, and promoting a youthful appearance – without a bit of pain or downtime. If it sounds impossible – I promise you, it’s not. It is unique technology ideal for those who want to maintain a youthful appearance without invasive procedures. And to introduce the new version of this technology, it is on special at the Aesthetic Skin & Laser Center during the month of October.

The latest tool in our rejuvenating arsenal is new and improved iEllios, a non-invasive, painless procedure that stimulates your collagen and helps repair your skin tone to help deliver a “Non-surgical Facelift”. You probably have not heard of iEllios, as we are the only office with this technology in Western PA. I can vouch for the fact that it really works, for the right candidates.

iEllios uses advanced signaling technology that mimics the electrical signals your body uses to communicate internally. This is similar to the current used in pacemakers. But with iEllios, the signals are designed to encourage your tissues to behave more youthfully, ie tighten up, produce more collagen, and thereby improve skin tone and elasticity. Sounds very 21st Century – and it is.

For more detail on the specifics of the technology, please follow this link on the Aesthetic Skin & Laser Center website:

One of the most beautiful aspects of the iEllios system is its customization. Since everyone has different concerns and needs, each person’s treatment plan differs and is completely tailored to them.

That said, there are recommendations to optimize results:

  • Maximum results are achieved when the treatments are initially done 2 to 3 times a week, then progressively spaced out in order to reach a maintenance schedule that is ideal for each person
  • A series of 10 or more treatments are scheduled initially, with each session generally lasting approximately 30-45 minutes
  • An individual’s frequency of treatments is totally dependent upon their response
  • Once the desired results are achieved, maintenance treatments should usually be done monthly
  • Results are immediate, so you can even use it as a perk-me-up before a special event
  • iEllios eye treatments can help improve dark circles and puffiness around the eyes

Who would benefit from iEllios? Almost anyone who takes care of his or her skin and follows a healthy diet and lifestyle is an ideal candidate. For skin that sags significantly or is not well cared for, other treatment modalities may, at least initially, be more effective.

iEllios also works synergistically in combination with most fillers, Botox, light treatments and other procedures for the ultimate “Non-surgical Facelift”! Come in for a consultation with our medical aesthetician to determine if iEllios is the right treatment option for you!